The SLA Business & Finance Division is excited to announce the first of three webinars in its 2015 webinar series. This webinar is free and open to all SLA members.
B&F Webinar Series: The Intentional Analyst
Amy Affelt recently presented an eye-opening webinar, “The Accidental Data Scientist,” urging librarians to parlay their skills to join the big data tsunami. But how to take that first step? The perfect starting places are information services such as Factiva. They provide a vast data set that librarians know very well, they’re typically well-indexed, and they offer built-in visualizations to ease that first tentative step into data analytics. A company radar or a global heat map can make a deliverable more professional-looking and easily digestible. A share-of-voice pie chart can offer competitive insight. A stock price/news-volume trend chart can highlight a significant corporate event. While visualizations are great for analyzing news coverage and exposing unexpected connections, pitfalls await the novice. So we’ll also discuss how graphics can mislead the accidental analyst who is unfamiliar with the underlying content.
Title: The Intentional Analyst
Presenters: Ann Lee, Regional Sales Manager, Dow Jones Company, and Matt Donahue, Product Manager, Factiva Team, Dow Jones Company
Date: January 21, 2015
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST
For more information about other this and webinars offered by the B&F Division, contact Jeff Graveline at